Linux This unfair advantage helped me consistently out-perform anyone. Here's how. Spoiler: a home lab
AppSec Coding is not optional for hackers A real-world challenge to prove coding is not optional for a hacker.
OffSec How to not go insane after 200+ hours of OffSec exams Top 3 time and energy wasters in OffSec exams and how to deal with them.
OffSec This custom script literally saved me from failing OSCP Just feels wrong to keep it to myself.
Members only Privacy Featured F*** Ads Here are the exact steps I took to get rid of these time-wasting eye sores. (Available to Free Members)
Linux How to actually hack 2x faster (terminal edition) Takes 30 seconds to learn. Saves 30 seconds every time.
Privacy Someone used a fake (relay) email address to signup my newsletter Someone used a fake (relay) email address to signup my newsletter and that's not OK...
Members only Jobs On-the-job Gatekeeping is a real thing. Story of me dealing with the gatekeepers on-the-job. (Available to Free Members)
Jobs How I landed my first cybersec job as an ethical hacker A short story on how I got hired as an ethical hacker without any certifications.
Jobs Unemployment is bad. Working in the wrong company is WAY worse. Ask 6 crucial questions when you are looking for pen-testing/technical jobs.
OffSec Just got OSWE but I didn't like web security Story of me who hated web security getting an industry-leading web security certification and thriving ever since.