How to actually hack 2x faster (terminal edition)

Takes 30 seconds to learn. Saves 30 seconds every time.

How to actually hack 2x faster (terminal edition)

Here are my 6 favorite time savers:

  1. Start using undo (Yes, you can undo): Ctrl-/

  2. Stop spamming the up key to search previous commands
    Start using Ctrl-r then type keywords

  3. Stop using clear,
    Start using Ctrl-l

  4. Stop holding the left key for 10 seconds,
    Start using Ctrl-a

  5. Stop holding the right key for 10 seconds,
    Start using Ctrl-e

  6. Start using the built-in terminal "clipboard":
    Ctrl-a + Ctrl-k to "cut" the entire line
    Ctrl-y to paste from the "clipboard"
    After pasting, you can use Alt-y to loop through clipboard history

"But I can't remember them!"

I got you covered.

Here is how I would memorize it in a minute using mnemonics:

  1. Ctrl+/: "slash" the new changes = undo
  2. Ctrl+l: C+l = "Cl"ear
  3. Ctrl+a: "a" is the start of the alphabet
  4. Ctrl+e: "e"nd
  5. Ctrl+r: "r"everse search
  6. Ctrl+k: "k"ut (cut)
  7. Ctrl+y: "why" does it mean paste?
  8. Alt+y: "alt"er what you have pasted

The GNU readline manual (man readline) has a lot more.
Fun thing to do when you don't have the Internet.

Practice for a week and I promise you will feel invincible.